Men's Ministry

The Men’s Meeting is a gathering of the men in the congregation every last Sunday of every month. The men discuss Scriptural matters relating to Godly manhood.

Every 3rd meeting involves an outing. The men gather together elsewhere and are involved in outdoor or indoor fun activities! You must currently be a member of the Congregation of Yahshua to attend these meetings.

Readings for Sunday January 29, 2023

The Men's Meeting reading for January 29, 2023 will be about avoiding lust and walking as a pure man of Elohim.

Yahshua said, as recorded in Matthew 5:28 "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

The Scriptures also say in Job 31:1 “I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?”

Every man must live in purity and avoid lust .The readings will come from the Lust book by Sevin. Every brother will need to get a hold of a copy of the book. You can get:

Here's a video promoting the book. 

The brothers leading the study will present a study guide that is separate from the study guide presented in the book.


  1. What did Yahshua tell the woman who committed adultery to do after He forgave her?
  2. Knowing now that this is the worst sin you can commit, how will it change your behavior in the future?
  3. Where does Matthew 5:28 say adultery truly begins?
  4. After committing the act of fornication, how does it make youo feel after?
  5. What does Exodus 20:14 say?
  6. What does Proverbs 6:32 say?
  7. What does Ephesians 4:19 say?
  8. What does Job 31:1 say?
  9. Do you find it is a struggle to remain pure?
  10. Have you engaged in fornication in the past year?
  11. Have you watched pornography in the past year?
  12. How do you actively prevent yourself from falling into fornication?

Readings for Sunday March 27, 2022

Rim of The Wheel: The Obedient Christian in Action – Part 1

Rim of The Wheel: The Obedient Christian in Action – Part 2